Consumer & Compliance Information

The following is an overview of the information that ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓ is required to provide to current and prospective students and current and prospective employees. The list provides links to other departmental sites that disclose specific information that is in compliance with:
  • The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008, which requires institutions of higher education to disclose information and reports on various aspects of the institution's policies, procedures, operations and costs.
  • Title IX, which requires institutions participating in financial aid programs to disclose specified information to all prospective students.
  • Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

General Student & Institutional Information

Financial Assistance Information 

Health and Safety

Voter Registration Information

Higher Education Emergency Relief Funding (HEERF) Reporting Information

  • CARES Act Reporting (HEERF I)  ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓInstitutional Portion

Quarter Ending 09/30/2020 Expenditure Report
Quarter Ending 12/31/2020 Expenditure Report
Quarter Ending 03/31/2021 Expenditure Report
Quarter Ending 06/30/2021 Expenditure Report
Quarter Ending 09/30/2021 Expenditure Report
Quarter Ending 12/31/2021 Expenditure Report
Quarter Ending 03/31/2022 Expenditure Report
Quarter Ending 06/30/2022 Expenditure Report – Final

Report 1 –  July 9, 2021
Report 2 – October 5, 2021
Report 3 – January 4, 2022
Report 4 – April 1, 2022