Marketing & Communications


Lisa Trimble, Associate Vice President, Institutional Advancement

Public Records Requests

香蜜影视 (LCCC) will consider all Public Records Requests, in cooperation with the State of Wyoming's Public Records Act (W.S. 搂16-4-201 through 16-4-205). All agencies, individuals and companies must use our to submit requests. 香蜜影视will review all requests and determine the college's ability to complete the request.

Eagle sculpture on LCCC's campus

Have a Great Story?

Let us know if you have an 香蜜影视story idea about campus events, students or alumni. Email ideas to JJoinerFREELARAMIE.

The 香蜜影视 Marketing & Communications department promotes, enhances and protects the external and internal branding of the college. Whether we are putting together a press releases, writing a script for a commercial, printing out a syllabus or approving an on-campus flyer, we want to promote all the great things 香蜜影视has to offer and the good work its employees and students do. Our goal is to provide a consistent message through strategic marketing and other communications.

The work of the Marketing & Communications team can be broken into several areas:

  • Campus Printing (printing, binding, copies, business cards, etc.)
  • Internal graphic design projects (course schedules, promotional materials, programs, programmatic information, online forms, maps, logos, signs including marquee and digital)
  • Web content updates
  • Social media account management
  • Marketing planning and analysis
  • Media outreach and coordination
  • Public information requests
  • External graphic design (digital and print advertising)
  • Photography (headshots and candid photos)
  • Media buys
  • Logo-use approval

If you have an event, story, photo or just an idea you鈥檇 like to share, we can talk through ways to help you get the message out.