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Alex Brandes, a self-taught guitar player studying music at LCCC.
Alex Brandes, a self-taught guitar player studying music at LCCC.

He doesn't worry about how things are supposed to be. He's not concerned about following social norms. He's not that way simply to be rebellious, but instead to explore and embrace the world around him. He may even cautiously admit that it could just be a subtle reach to get noticed.

That's Alex Brandes, a self-taught guitar player studying music at LCCC.

"I was told that music is a good pastime and that it would get me girls. It didn't get me any girls, but it's a good pastime," Alex said with a chuckle. "I tell people that I'm a music major and they say, 'Oh what, you sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star?' And I'm like, 'Nooo – I analyze music. I write music.'
"It's a lot more than what people would think."

More than you would think is a good way to describe Alex, whose career goal is to become a worship pastor. He was born in Wichita, Kan., but raised in Cheyenne, homeschooled with his two younger brothers. In addition to playing music, he likes to play soccer and build fireworks. And he wants to keep growing out those dreads.

After he completes his associate degree this May, he plans to earn a bachelor's degree, though he's not sure when or where that will happen. He definitely knows that he'll need it for seminary school.

ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓhas helped Alex improve his talents, explore his interests, and provide a stepping stone for his life's path.

"It's pushing me," Alex said. "Community college can get a bad rep, but ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓreally is a good school."