RAC renovation ground breaking

ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓ President Joe Schaffer, the Board of Trustees and and special guests break ground – or in this case drywall – with gold sledge hammers.

ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓ President Joe Schaffer, the Board of Trustees and and special guests break ground – or in this case drywall – on a renovation and expansion of the Blue Federal Credit Union Recreation & Athletics Complex (RAC). The RAC, built in 1971, is one of the oldest buildings on campus, seeing only minor improvements and structural updates in the last half century. The renovation project includes some major upgrades such as expanded physical fitness space and a competition court that meets all the requirements to host tournaments. The renovation will also add some quality-of-life improvements including upgrades to the electrical and HVAC systems, which currently are outdated and at maximum capacity.