Residence Hall Handbook

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It is our pleasure to welcome you to the ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓEagle Village residence halls—your new home on campus.

We are glad to include you as a member of our living and learning community. Residence hall living is a valuable educational experience. You will spend more time in the hall than in any other location on campus. We are proud to provide convenient housing options combined with opportunities for academic success and personal growth.

Respect and responsibility are the keys to a positive living and learning community. We are all unique individuals with our own goals, interests and needs. At the same time, as members of the Residential Living & Learning Community, we are part of a larger group of individuals. We must accept the challenge to value our individuality while respecting other community members. Through our interactions with each other, we can develop a community in which we experience feelings of cooperation and commitment to the academic and personal success for all.

The Residential Living & Learning Director, Administrative Assistant and Resident Advisors will play a role in providing a comprehensive array of programs designed to expand your skills and knowledge and provide you with services that enhance your stay in the residence halls. Much like life outside the college environment, living in the residence halls can present difficulties and challenges. The Residential Living & Learning staff is available to help you resolve many of these difficulties, but you have a responsibility too. There will be situations in which you will need to make decisions about your behavior and you will be accountable for the choices you make and
how your actions affect your fellow community members. As a member of our community, you will have many opportunities to influence your living environment. Living in a community requires some basic guidelines to protect the rights of all individual members.

This Guide to Residence Hall Living provides you with information about our community standards that will be helpful to you during your stay at LCCC. We encourage you to read it at the beginning of your stay in the residence hall and to keep it as a reference throughout the year. You are responsible for the information contained in this guide. 

The Residential Living & Learning staff is available to assist you in many ways. How much or how little you learn and grow while at ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓwill depend largely on you and your attitude. Make a commitment to succeed. We would like to help you.


Residential Living & Learning Staff and Programs

The residence hall complex is staffed with well-qualified, staff whose primary purpose is to assist all residents in receiving the maximum benefits from their experiences living on campus at LCCC. This means helping you in your pursuit of an education, your growth as an individual and your development as a member of our residence hall community.

Resident advisors (RAs) live on each floor with their fellow residents and receive special training to assist residents in a variety of ways. RAs facilitate floor meetings, help initiate and organize programs and activities, are a resource for campus information, and respond to college policy violations. RAs may be asked to help with a personal problem, they are selected because of their maturity and concern for you.

The living and learning environment in Eagle Village includes activities that facilitate positive relationships within our community, as well as plenty of opportunities for fun! The Residential Living & Learning staff plans activities (often called programs) with a certain philosophy in mind. Our goal is to provide a variety of fun events and activities to build our community and encourage new friendships, active participation, respect for diversity, personal development, community service and academic success.

Sharing a room with another student can be one of the most rewarding and enjoyable aspects of the college experience. The opportunity to become friends with someone who has a different background and different ideas provides a tremendous learning experience. Most people get along with their suitemates, but no relationship is perfect all the time. Some students have never had to share a bedroom with anyone else. Some students are morning people, while others are night owls. Some spend time online, while others prefer sports or work to pay for school. Each person is a unique individual, with his or her own likes and dislikes. The key to making your suitemate relationships work is to discuss your individual perspectives and come to some agreements before minor issues grow into conflicts and problems. Even if you are living with someone you already know, it is important to go through the process of talking to one another about living together.

The Residential Living & Learning staff is available to assist you in developing positive relationships. We recommend the following discussion questions to get the process started. 

  • How and when do I need to study?
  • When do I plan to go to sleep at night and wake up in the morning?
  • How clean does the common room need to be? Who does the cleaning?
  • Do I use alcohol, tobacco or other drugs? (The use of these substances is
  • prohibited on campus.)
  • What can I borrow and what would you prefer to be left alone?
  • When can I have guests in the suite?
  • How will we resolve conflict?

Finally, an ongoing and extremely important step is keeping the lines of communication open as situations arise in your relationships. Maintaining the ability to respectfully discuss problems as they arise is important, and doing so will make your relationships grow and improve throughout the year. There are many people who can help resolve suitemate difficulties. Seek out your RA or the director for assistance.

The residence hall complex is supervised by a live-in professional who has been selected for the position of director on the basis of educational background, experience in Residential Living & Learning and an interest in and concern for people. The director is responsible for the total Residential Living & Learning program, including training and supervision of staff, administration of the hall and dealing with violations of residence hall policy. The primary focus, however, is meeting students' needs, developing student responsibility and ensuring the welfare of the hall community. The director is also available to help you with personal and group problems and to handle emergency situations.

The Residential Living & Learning administrative assistant is directly responsible for managing all administrative functions related to LCCC's Residential Living & Learning program. The primary focus is ensuring excellent customer service to students living on campus and includes managing the Residential Living & Learning reception desk (tracking equipment, reserving facilities in the commons, and processing US Mail). The Residential Living & Learning reception desk is the information hub for all programs and activities in the Residential Living & Learning area. Responsibilities also include coordinating room assignments; overseeing all student check-in and check-outs; corresponding with students regarding billing and residence hall accounts; processing work orders and ensuring all maintenance issues are addressed in a timely manner by the college. The Residential Living & Learning administrative assistant also serves as a knowledgeable resource about various campus procedures and refers students to other services and assistance.

The Residential Living & Learning program is coordinated by the Director of Residential Living & Learning. The staff includes many others–the Residential Living & Learning custodian, maintenance staff, Dean of Students and the Vice President of Student Services–whose contributions are equally important. The entire Residential Living & Learning team works cooperatively to create an environment conducive to personal growth and academic achievement.


Rights and Responsibilities

The following is a list of what rights you are entitled to as a student living in the ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓresidence hall complex and what is expected of you as a member of our residence hall community. These rights and responsibilities are meant to complement formal Residential Living & Learning and college policies.

  • to be treated with civility and respect at all times.
  • to a safe, clean and well-maintained living space.
  • to a quality living and learning environment conducive to your academic and social pursuits.
  • to privacy and the proportionate use of your room in terms of both space and time.
  • to be free of unwanted guests in your room.
  • to confront another resident if their behavior infringes on your rights.
  • to seek the assistance of a Residential Living & Learning staff member when you need help with a problem.
  • to make adult choices as a responsible member of the ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓResidential Living & Learning community.
  • to respect other community members' rights and personal belongings.
  • to keep your door and hall doors locked and not to prop them open or allow strangers or guests into buildings, suites without a resident escort.
  • to observe quiet hours, keep your stereo and voice at a reasonable volume in the residence hall, and to remind others that you expect the same.
  • to let your roommate and suitemates know of your wishes and preferences for hours of sleep, study and visitation.
  • to work through any differences you may have in a peaceful manner, within the guidelines provided by LCCC.
  • to know and abide by college policies and the laws of the state of Wyoming, including those that pertain to alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs.
  • to support the educational purposes of ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓand to sustain a safe and comfortable living community in the ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓresidence hall complex.
  • to examine your own behavior when confronted by another and work toward resolving conflicts, and to confront others in a non-aggressive and non-threatening manner.
  • to read information provided for you by ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓand the Residential Living & Learning staff, especially this Residential Living & Learning Guide.
  • to participate in floor meetings and share responsibility for adhering to and enforcing community policies and guidelines.



ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓ is committed to providing a safe and nondiscriminatory educational and employment environment. The college does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, age, veteran status, political affiliation, sexual orientation or other status protected by law. Sexual harassment, including sexual violence, is a form of sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. The college does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its educational, extracurricular, athletic or other programs or in the context of employment.

The college has a designated person to monitor compliance and to answer any questions regarding the college's nondiscrimination policies. Please contact: Title IX and ADA Coordinator, Suite 205, Clay Pathfinder Building, 1400 E College Drive, Cheyenne, WY 82007, 307.778.1217, TitleIX_ADAFREELARAMIE.

All housing assignments are made by the Residential Living & Learning administrative assistant. Each student must complete and send a residence hall application and a $200 security deposit. After receiving the housing application and security deposit, the administrative assistant will make every effort to accommodate a student's room preference. However, the college operates on a nondiscriminatory basis and cannot honor requests that are contrary to procedure. Assignments are made on a first-come, space available basis according to when the $200 security deposit and application is received.

Assignments are made using the following guidelines.

  • Priority will be given to returning students who reserve a room during room selection.
  • Roommate requests will be honored when possible.
  • Information from the residence hall application is used to assign suite and roommates with similar preferences in music, cleanliness, etc.
  • Students with physical disabilities will be assigned to the suites that meet ADA guidelines. The Residential Living & Learning office retains the authority to change room assignments when necessary to accommodate students with limited physical abilities. Priority deadline for accommodations is June 30.

Open Housing – ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓoffers open housing options to accommodate residents living on campus. Open housing refers to a housing option in which two or more students mutually agree to share a multiple-occupancy bedroom or suite without regard to the gender expression of the individuals living in the room or suite. Open housing provides options for a variety of students: those who feel uncomfortable rooming with members of the same sex, transgender students in the process of discovering their gender identity, students who feel they would be more compatible with a roommate of a different sex or gender, married couples, and students who do not want sex or gender be a primary factor in choosing a roommate. Please note: Students will only be allowed to live in an open-housing environment if they select this option, otherwise students will be placed in a room with a student of the same sex.

Special accommodations – Residence hall staff and the Office of Student Accommodation work together to accommodate students with disabilities in the residence halls. For more information contact the Residential Living and Learning Director or Office of Student Accommodation 307.778.1359

Students living on campus have signed a housing contract (i.e. a lease agreement) to live on campus and participate in our Residential Living & Learning program. All costs associated with living on campus are funded through room and board fees. As a service to on campus residents, LCCC offers students three options to make payment for room and board expenses. 

Payment in full. Payment is due prior to the first day of classes each semester.

Payment Methods

  • Automatic bank payment (ACH)
  • Credit card/debit card
    Payments are processed on the 5th of each month and will continue until the balance is paid in full.

Cost to Participate

  • $25 enrollment fee per semester
  • $30 returned payment fee if a payment is returned

Payment Plan. To make payments, you will need to sign up online with .
To enroll:

  • Log in to .
  • Click Self-Service app
  • Select Student Finance
  • On Account Summary page, hover over Student Finance Menu
  • Click Payment Plan
  • Click Proceed to Processor. Students will only be able to enroll when the e-cashier is available as listed below. Please allow pop-ups for the software to work

For more information, visit on Payment Plans.

Payment through Financial Aid. Students using financial aid should note that any portion of room and board expenses not covered by a student's financial aid award will automatically be billed to the student's account according to the above deferred payment plan schedule. Students are responsible for paying any room and board expenses not covered by financial aid.

The terms of the lease apply to the entire academic year (August-May) or for the summer session (June-July). If a resident wants to be released from this contract, a contract release application must be submitted to the director, along with the appropriate written documentation for one of the following
reasons specified in the contract. 

  • Change in enrollment status due to withdrawal from college.
  • Assignment to a college-sponsored internship that requires living off campus.
  • A serious medical or health problem that is directly related to residence hall living.
    The student will be required to furnish documentation from a physician that indicates the severity of the health problem and that the only means of alleviating the problem is to move out of the residence hall complex.
  • A substantial change in financial situation.
    A contract termination may be granted for this reason only when the director determines that a serious and substantial change in the student's financial situation has occurred after the contract has been signed.
  • Change in marital or custodial status.
    If the student marries during the academic year, a copy of the marriage certificate must be submitted to the Director of Residential Living & Learning. If a dependent child lives with the student, a copy of the child's birth certificate and verification of residency must be presented to the director of Residential Living & Learning office before a request for contract release will be considered.
  • Termination by LCCC.
    Upon reasonable notice and for good cause, ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓreserves the right to terminate this contract. Reasonable notice of termination will normally be a minimum of 24 hours a maximum of 48 hours. Examples of good cause are suspension or expulsion from the college or failure to comply with policies and rules contained in the current College Catalog, Student Handbook or this Guide to Residence Hall Living.
  • Students who are disruptive during final exams or pose an imminent risk to the health and safety of the residential community may be required to vacate the residence halls immediately.
    NOTE: Cancellation of the lease during the lease period will result in a $1,000 lease buyout fee.

No refunds of payments or reservation/security deposits will be granted to a student evicted from the residence hall complex based on contract termination. The student will be required to fulfill the room portion of any unpaid financial terms of the contract.

Security Deposit

  • The $200 security deposit that accompanied the application remains on file while the student remains a resident of ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓhousing. It is both a good faith deposit to guarantee a room assignment and a guarantee against possible damage or cleaning charges when the student vacates the rented room. It is not applied to the room rent or meal charges.
  • No refunds of security deposits will be granted to a student who moves from the residence halls before the contract period ends, including eviction or release of contract. Exceptions will be made for graduating students.
  • If a Resident cancels before June 30, the security deposit may be refunded in full when the Resident notifies the Residential Living & Learning Office in writing by June 30. Cancellation after the July 1 date, will result in a forfeiture of the full security deposit. This paragraph applies only if The College determines that the deposit is otherwise refundable under the terms of this Lease.
  • Security deposit refunds will be granted to residents who move out of the residence hall complex, at the end of the academic year, if all the following are accomplished.

1. Residents have properly checked out with Residential Living & Learning staff.

2. The suite is clean and without damage.

3. There are no common area damage charges.

4. All college keys are returned.

  • Refund checks will be mailed to the forwarding address of the student within six weeks following the last day of check-out at the end of spring semester.

Room and Board Payments

  • Prepaid room rent will be refunded in full if the student notifies the Director of Residential Living & Learning, in writing, seven days before the official check-in date for the semester.
  • After the start of the semester, a portion of paid room rent, based upon the number of weeks of occupancy, may be refunded to students who are granted a contract release by the director.
  • After the start of the semester, a portion of the paid meal plan, based upon the number of weeks of occupancy, may be refunded to students who are granted a contract release by the director.

All residents desiring to check-in, check-out or change rooms during the course of the academic year must contact the director before moving any items out of or into a room.

Each resident will be assigned an approved room. Before moving into any room the resident will complete a Suite Condition Report (SCR). The SCR provides an inventory to document any preexisting damages in the room assigned. All conditions of the room that show wear or damage should be noted on the SCR. Failure to complete this step may result in the new residents assuming responsibility for damages by previous residents.

At the time of check-in, each resident will be issued a key (replacement cost of $75) that will unlock the main suite and room doors and a mailbox key (replacement cost of $15).

Residents are financially responsible for any damages to their rooms or college property in the rooms or other common areas of the complex. Damage to community property and common areas will be the responsibility of all residential students in that particular area unless the person or persons responsible are identified. Bills will be presented as promptly as possible after an assessment has been made. In addition, judicial action may be taken against students involved in common area damages.

Prior to billing the residents of the floor or hall for common area damages, students will be notified of the damages and the costs for repair or replacement. The residents will then be given the opportunity to anonymously pay for the costs incurred or provide the Residential Living & Learning staff with the name or names of the individual or individuals responsible. Common area damages will be deducted from your $200 security deposit at the time of your check-out from the residence halls.

The installation of lofts, shelves, bars, tables, platforms, paneling, wallpaper or other architectural change not covered in this guide is prohibited. Residents will be charged for any damages incurred during the contract period.

Please note: Residence are encouraged to carry their own personal property or renters insurance.

When changing rooms or leaving the residence hall, all residents must check out with a Residential Living & Learning staff member after gaining appropriate authorization from the director to check out.

  • The resident will notify their RA at least 24 hours in advance to schedule a check-out appointment and inspection of the suite for damages.
  • The RA will inspect the room in the presence of the departing resident, noting all damages not shown on the Suite Condition Report at the time of check-in.
  • The resident will return issued keys to the staff member at the time of inspection.
  • Residents who change rooms without approval or who improperly checkout without an authorized room inspection will be assessed a $50 improper check-out charge and will also assume responsibility for all damage charges and waive the right to appeal any such damage charges.
  • A final walkthrough will be conducted with members of the maintenance department to assess damages to the rooms. A bill of charges will be emailed
    to students who have moved from the residence hall to their personal email address.

Roommate and room change requests are handled on an individual basis.

To request a change, follow the procedures outlined below.
1. Contact a staff person for a Room Change Request form.
2. Complete all information on the request, including signatures of all involved.
3. Return the form to the Residential Living & Learning reception desk.
4. Await approval from the director prior to moving or exchanging keys.

Residents who make changes without approval may be subject to disciplinary action and be required to move back to the originally assigned room.

Note: The Residential Living Office reserves the right to assign or re-assign accommodations at any time for the benefit of the individual, the suitemates, or The College.

There may be times throughout the school year where spaces become available due to students leaving the residence hall. Students who find themselves without a roommate will be given the option (upon availability) to keep their room as a single for an additional charge. Students who wish not to select this option may be re-assigned other accommodations in order to consolidate rooms and free up additional space needs.


Facilities and Services

 Adhesive/Decal removal from doors or walls per hour: $25.00  Light Cover – Wall Sconce: $80.00
 Bathroom Drawer: $70.00  Light Fixture – Bathroom: $40.00
 Bed – Helical: $5.00  Light Fixture – Ceiling: $75.00
 Bed – Improper Assembly: $20.00  Light Fixture – Kitchenette: $60.00
 Bed – Loft Unit: $204.00  Light Fixture – Wall Sconce: $120.00
 Bed – Metal Spring: $140.00  Lock Replacement: $225.00
 Bed – Replacement: $300.00  Love Seat – Arm: $180.00
 Bed – Wire Links: $5.00  Love Seat – Cushion: $140.00
 Bed – Wood End Unit: $160.00  Love Seat – Fabric: $80.00
 Blinds: $95.00  Love Seat – Replacement: $580.00
 Bulletin Board: $180.00  Lost Key (Mailbox): $15.00
 Check-Out – Improper: $100.00  Lost Key (Re-Core): $75.00
 Cleaning (labor per hour): $25.00  Lost Proximity Card: $15.00
 Commons – Chair: $420.00  Kitchen Chair – Frame: $100.00
 Commons – Couch/Love Seat: $580.00  Kitchen Chair – Replacement: $180.00
 Commons – Study Chair: $180.00  Kitchen Chair – Seat: $80.00
 Commons – Study Table: $320.00  Kitchen Drawer: $70.00
 Commons – Table/Bench: $210.00  Kitchen Table – Base: $70.00
 Computer Lab – Chair: $95.00  Kitchen Table – Replacement: $320.00
Computer Lab – Computer: $750.00 Kitchen Table – Table Top: $250.00
Computer Lab – Desk: $175.00 Mattress – Replacement: $125.00
Computer Lab – Printer: $325.00 Mirror: $75.00
Data Outlet: $40.00 Moving (per item): $10.00
Desk – Chair Replacement: $180.00 Outlet Cover: $5.00
Desk – Keyboard Drawer: $80.00 Paint – Ceiling: $60.00
Desk – Replacement: $450.00 Paint – Room: $180.00
Desk – Side Panel: $80.00 Paint – Touch Up: $22.00
Desk – Side Unit: $175.00 Paint – Vaulted Ceiling: $150.00
Desk – Side Unit door: $50.00 Paint – Wall: $50.00
Desk – Top: $212.00 Peephole: $14.00
Display Case: $350.00 Room Number – Bedroom: $12.00
Door: $250.00 Room Number – Exterior Sign: $80.00
Dresser – Drawer.: $154.00 Screen – Repair (per 1" hole): $15.00
Dresser – Drawer Front: $52.00 Screen – Replacement: $75.00
Dresser – Mounting Glide: $10.00 Shower – Curtain: $15.00
Dresser – Replacement : $450.00 Shower – Curtain Rings: $10.00
Dresser – Side Panel: $120.00 Shower – Curtain Rod: $37.00
Dresser – Top: $130.00 Shower – Replacement: $300.00
Exit Sign: $120.00 Sink - Bathroom: $127.00
Faucet – Bathroom: $90.00 Sink – Kitchen: $157.00
Faucet – Kitchen: $120.00 Toilet: $275.00
Fire Extinguisher: $80.00 Toilet – Seat Cover: $27.00
Fire Extinguisher Cabinet: $45.00 Toilet Paper Dispenser (Public): $32.00
Fire Extinguisher Cabinet Glass: $15.00 Toilet Paper Dispenser (Student): $16.00
Fire System Horn: $150.00 Towel Hook: $28.00
Furniture Relocation (per item): $20.00 Towel Rack: $42.00
Graffiti Removal (per hour): $25.00 Window (large) – Commons: $420.00
Leather Chair – Replacement: $225.00 Window (small) – Commons: $225.00
Leather Chair – Seat Cover: $65.00 Window (lower) – Student Room: $95.00
Light Cover – Bathroom: $25.00 Window (upper) – Student Room: $306.00
Light Cover – Ceiling: $45.00 Window Hinge – Student Room: $51.00
Light Cover – Kitchenette: $45.00 Window Latch – Student Room: $15.00


NOTE: Prices are subject to change without notice. Labor charges may be higher if work involves overtime. Items not on this list will be billed at the current replacement or repair cost as determined by LCCC.

All residence hall rooms receive expanded basic cable service. If you have any cable TV questions or need service, please contact your RA or the Residential Living & Learning reception desk. All TVs need a cable box, available at the residence hall front desk, to get available channels.

The college employs a safety department on a 24-hour, 365-days-per-year basis. Activity of a criminal nature is responded to by the Laramie County Sheriff's Department, which maintains a high presence around campus. The College Safety Department, while unable to make arrests, is employed to enforce traffic and parking regulations, assist distressed motorists, make building security checks and to assist students, employees and the general public in ways to make their time on campus a safe and satisfying experience. Campus Safety may be contacted 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling 9.630.0645. Please contact the Campus Safety staff to report crimes, criminal actions or other emergencies.

Walkways on the campus and all parking lots are well-lit. Regular safety evaluations of the campus are conducted and improvements are implemented when they are needed.

The Campus Safety Office prepares incident reports on reported crimes and all other incidents on campus. Any criminal activity is reported immediately to the Sheriff's Department. [All campus incidents are recorded on the Campus Safety Incident Log, which is displayed in the Student Services Building (East wall), and the office of Student Life in the College Community Center.] You may also access the annual security report by going to

Security will be ticketing for parking violations, so park your vehicle responsibly. Fines will be assessed accordingly.

The ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓresidence halls are equipped with service elevators. Any misuse is strictly prohibited. Any malfunction of the elevators should be reported to a staff member immediately. If you are stranded inside the elevator due to malfunction, do not attempt to pry open the service doors or climb out. Wait for Residential Living & Learning staff or Campus Safety personnel to respond and assist you. Vandalism or misuse of the elevators will result in loss of elevator use privileges for the entire community and judicial action for those responsible. Elevator service calls resulting from misuse or pranks will be charged to all residents in accordance with the ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓgroup billing procedures if the specific responsible parties cannot be identified.

A variety of cleaning and recreation equipment is available for check-out to residents. The Residential Living & Learning reception desk has vacuum steam mops, cleaners, brooms, plungers and a limited supply of cleaning materials that can be used to keep your room tidy. We also have board games, cards, frisbees, volleyball and badminton gear that can be used by residents. To check out equipment residents leave their student ID at the office and sign the equipment check-out list. 

Furniture is not to be removed or exchanged from rooms or common areas.

Room Furniture
Residents are responsible for all furniture in their assigned rooms. No space is provided in the residence hall complex for storage of furniture. Moving furniture from room to room is not allowed. NOTE: All furniture must be moved back to its original location upon check out. Bed height, needs to be reset to the fifth rung from the bottom.

Public Area Furniture
Furniture and equipment in the common areas are for the use and benefit of all residents. Furniture and equipment are not to be taken from these areas for use in private rooms or outside. Students removing lounge furniture without approval from the director will be subject to disciplinary action.

High-speed Internet access is provided to the students.

To access the network, students will need a computer that meets or exceeds the following technical specifications.

Windows-based PC: (generally around 2012 or newer)

  • Intel Core i3 3220 "Ivy Bridge" or AMD FX-4300 or higher
  • 2 GB Memory
  • 120 GB Hard Drive
  • Windows 7 (or newer) or Ubuntu 14.04 (or newer)
  • 802.11N dual band wireless adapter (2.4 Ghz and 5 Ghz)


  • Any Mac from late 2008 and later
  • MacOS 10.9 Mavericks and later

Laundry facilities are available for student use at no cost. The residence hall washers are intended for student use. Heavy duty use items such as animal blankets, excessively oily or soiled uniforms, are not permitted in the laundry facilities. Please observe the rules of the laundry rooms as posted. Do not leave your clothes unattended. LCCC is not liable for lost or damaged items.

Personally constructed lofts are not permitted in any part of the LCCC residence hall complex. Equipment and instructions for bunking beds is available in the Residential Living & Learning reception desk.

If you lose or find something in the residence hall complex, please report or bring the item to the Residential Living & Learning reception desk. The Campus Safety Office handles lost and found for the rest of campus.

Mail is delivered Monday through Friday to the Residential Living & Learning reception desk. Your personal mail should be addressed as follows.

Your Name
Suite #
1340 E. College Drive
Cheyenne, WY 82007

Outgoing mail is picked up from the Residential Living & Learning reception desk when incoming mail is delivered.

Repairs and maintenance needs, including broken furniture, malfunctioning equipment and fixtures, leaks and any other matters requiring attention should be reported to a Residential Living & Learning staff member. Reporting maintenance requests is easy – fill out a Work Order Request Form (WORF), available from staff members or the Residential Living & Learning reception desk. Maintenance emergencies should be reported immediately.

The cost for any repairs that are not normal wear and tear will be charged to the residents living in the room/suite, unless otherwise noted. Charges are based on current repair and replacement costs.

See Residence Hall Plan.

Flex dollars can be used at the Emporium, Coffee 101 in the Pathfinder Building or for individual meals in the dining room.

Don't forget – Meal plans are put on your campus ID card. You must bring your ID card with you to use your meal plan.

Dining Room Hours

Monday - Friday Breakfast 7:30-9:30 a.m.
Continental Breakfast 9:30-10:30 a.m.
Lunch 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Continental Lunch 1-1:30 p.m.
Dinner 4:45-6:45 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday Brunch 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Dinner 5-6:30 p.m.


Emporium and Coffee 101 Hours

Monday – Thursday 7:30 a.m.-7 p.m.
Friday 7:30 a.m.-1 p.m.


Food service at ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓis provided by Sodexo, an industry leader in providing excellent food service to college students across the nation.

  • Students may add additional money to their flex dollars at any time by speaking with the Sodexo food service manager.
  • Students may also purchase many other items from the dining room. For example, you may take a friend to lunch, buy cookies for your suitemates or order a birthday cake and ice cream for a friend down the hall.
  • On days when classes are not in session, the dining room may limit its standard hours of operation. Meal service begins move-in day and ends on the last day of finals for each semester. Meal service is not available in observance of Labor Day, Thanksgiving break, winter break, Equality Day or spring break.
  • Residents are expected to be courteous and to adhere to the rules and 

    regulations pertaining to meal service. Any actions deemed inappropriate or 

    in violation of the General Code of Conduct or the Guide to Residence Hall 

    Living rules and regulations will be dealt with according to the Residential 

    Living & Learning Judicial Guidelines.
  • Residents who are released from their housing contract will be charged a 

    weekly rate in accordance with the number of weeks of occupancy.
  • Shirts and shoes must be worn at all times in food service and dining areas.

  • In the event you are unable to attend a meal due to an illness, contact the 

    dining room manager at 307.778.1318 to arrange for meals.

Residential students may park in the lots located adjacent to the residence halls. Parking permits are available from the Campus Safety Office. Each resident will be issued one permit for his or her own vehicle. Residents may not register a non-resident's vehicle in their name. There is a 15-minute loading zone for your convenience. There also are a limited number of diesel parking spaces. Permits for diesel parking are $40.

Visitor parking is available in the unpaved area to the west of the residence hall complex. Do not park in marked reserved accessible (handicap) spaces or spaces designated for maintenance/security. Horse trailers may not be parked in any of the residence hall parking lots.

Persons with vehicles improperly parked may receive a fine and/or be towed.

Diesel Parking
During the cold winter months, a limited number of parking spaces are available with power access for diesel fuel heaters. These spaces are reserved on a first come, first served basis by contacting the Residential Living & Learning reception desk. A fee of $50 and a special permit are required for this service. Students are not allowed to plug in to other outlets, including using extension cords from student rooms or other campus facilities. Compliance with this policy is monitored by Campus Safety, and violators will have power cords removed and face campus judicial action.

The residence hall commons is centrally located and serves all students living throughout the residence hall complex. The Commons is designed to be a gathering place for all students to enjoy. The Residential Living & Learning reception desk; computer lab; great room with TV, fireplace and game room; social kitchen; laundry facilities; vending area and a multi- media classroom are all located in the Commons. Facilities in the Commons can be reserved for residents use through the reception desk. The reception desk also provides information about LCCC's Residential Living & Learning program, U.S. Mail pick-up and delivery, equipment check-out, as well as being a hub for directory and other information and campus services.

No storage is provided on campus for student possessions or for college furniture from individual student rooms.

Vacuum cleaners, steam mops and cleaning kits are available for student use from the Residential Living & Learning reception desk. Lost, broken or missing cleaning supplies will be replaced at the expense of all residents if a responsible party is not identified.

The residence hall complex has soft drink and snack vending machines. Report any problems with the vending machines to the Residence Hall Administrative Assistant.

Safety and Security

All accidents or illnesses should be reported to a Residential Living & Learning staff member. Serious accidents or illnesses should be reported immediately, so staff can assist in calling any necessary emergency personnel. Any unsafe situations you cannot correct, such as lights out in a stairwell, tripping hazards or other problems should also be reported to a Residential Living & Learning staff member as soon as possible.

If a bomb threat is received, the residence halls may be evacuated either partially or fully. Please follow directions and cooperate. If you are notified by Residential Living & Learning staff or Campus Safety personnel that the residence halls are being evacuated because of a bomb threat, don't panic. Take the instructions seriously and evacuate cautiously through the nearest exit. Because of the potential for setting off a bomb, don't use a radio, cell phone or pager, and don't touch a light switch or suspicious object. 

If you need a ride to get off campus (and your friends and suitemates are unable to assist you), you may arrange for someone to pick you up at the ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓCenter for Conferences and Institutes. Do not use your cell phone.

Tune in to Cheyenne radio and television stations for an announcement with regard to when the college will reopen and resume normal activities after a bomb threat. On-campus residents will be notified in this manner as to when they can return to campus.

ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓis committed to providing a safe and secure living and learning environment. The college expects residents to take personal responsibility for security of themselves and their belongings.

For security purposes, all residence hall exterior doors are locked 24 hours a day. Security cameras have also been installed in all the common areas and hallways of the residence hall to help with the security efforts and to help cut down on common area damages. Students propping open locked doors are endangering fellow residents and will be subject to disciplinary action.

Residents are responsible for the actions of any non-resident guests they allow into the complex.

ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓdoes not permit persons who are required to register as sex offenders or major offenders under the laws of any state or nation to reside in any college housing. Any person requesting to live in College housing must disclose any such registration requirement, or other criminal conviction. Failure to disclose will result in involuntary removal from College housing and forfeiture of any deposit or fees paid for housing. The College reserves the right on a case-by-case basis to deny the request of any person to reside in College housing or to involuntarily remove any person already admitted to College housing due to the conviction of any felony or misdemeanor offense which, in the judgment of the College, indicates that the person who has been convicted of such an offense has the potential to disrupt the normal
functioning of College housing, engage in conduct that may endanger the health or safety of any person residing in College housing, including self, or otherwise negatively impact the residential community.

Individuals disclosing criminal convictions are not automatically prevented from living in College housing, though they will be required to provide documentation of their conviction for review.

ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓhas a significant concern for ensuring a safe environment. These guidelines should provide students with information on safely decorating their rooms. A highly combustible room is a hazard to the personal safety of all residents. 

Candles may be used in your room only as decorations. Candles may not be burned or show evidence of having been burned (blackened wick, melted wax). Incense is not allowed.

Items may not be attached to the ceiling. Items falling from the ceiling present a greater potential danger than items flat against the wall.

Decorations such as posters and pictures should be hung in a manner that will not deface walls. White poster putty, temporary wall hooks or blue painters tape work best. Please see the information regarding decorations in the Safety and Security section of this guide for more information.

Windows must be unobstructed. Flags, posters, decorations etc., are not permitted in windows.

Items may not be hung from fire protection equipment.

Strings of lights may be displayed around windows and doorways. Exercise caution with window drapes and paper decorations near these lights. Be sure that the lights do not touch any flammable objects or materials. Only miniature lights may be used as they produce less heat and consume less electricity. Residential Living & Learning reserves the right to remove excessive or dangerous decorative lighting. Extension cords without circuit breakers are prohibited. All lights and cords must be UL approved. Do not leave strings of lights on and unattended.

It is illegal to have traffic signs in your possession. Traffic signs used as decorations or found in your room will be confiscated. ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓproperty (signs, traffic cones, etc.) will also be confiscated if found in your room.

Other guidelines that must be followed include:

  • All materials used must be flame resistant.
  • No painting is allowed directly on walls, floors or ceilings.
  • Fire alarm boxes, smoke detectors, exit lights and fire extinguishers and cabinets must not be covered. Exits must not be blocked.
  • Natural Christmas trees are not permitted. You may have one artificial, flame-retardant tree in your suite.
  • Bulbs in halogen floor lamps must have a UL-approved guard and be a least two feet from the ceiling, curtains or other materials. The halogen lamp itself must be manufactured after February 1997 to meet current safety standards.

Explosives, fireworks, dangerous chemicals, firearms and other weapons are not allowed in the residence hall complex or on campus. These items are a threat to the safety of residents, and they create an unnecessary disturbance problem. Further, many of these items are illegal and their possession may lead to expulsion from the Residential Living & Learning program or college.

The Residential Living & Learning living environment requires many individuals to comply with safe practices for the welfare of the group. LCCC wants to ensure fire safety for all residents. 

The residence hall complex has an alarm system that can be triggered by smoke detectors or a manual pull station. Fire drills will be conducted in the residence hall complex periodically to acquaint residents with the alarm signal and the evacuation routes to safety.

The following preventative standards must be followed at all times by each resident for individual safety and the safety of others.

  • Fire doors entering each stairwell must be closed at all times.
  • Always close your room door before going to bed. Drafts of air, rising heat and toxic gases can be lessoned in the event of a fire.
  • Know the location of all fire exits, fire alarms and fire extinguishers.
  • Smoking is not allowed in the residence hall complex. Smoking is permitted outdoors, 30 feet from the building. Failure to comply may result in judicial action.
  • Multiple-outlet extension cords are not permitted. Overload surge cords (extension cords with their own fuses) are allowed. Do not string wire or cords where they may come in contact with water or may be damaged due to door closing. Do not run cords under carpet.
  • Do not use candles, incense or prohibited electrical appliances.
  • Check wattage on all room appliances; be sure they are low wattage.
  • Do not use light bulbs that exceed the wattage allowed as indicated on the fixture.
  • Flammable liquids such as kerosene, paint thinner or gasoline are not permitted anywhere in the residence hall complex.
  • Do not cover light fixtures with any combustible materials such as acetate, cellophane or tissue paper.
  • Room decorations must be nonflammable or flame retardant. Nothing may be hung from the ceiling. Do not block or tamper with smoke detectors.
  • All fire evacuation routes–hallways, stairwells, building exits–must be kept clear at all times.

Each resident is obligated to report all fires (if time and safety allow) or potential hazards to a Residential Living & Learning staff member. Do not assume someone else has reported a fire. If you have to pull the alarm due to visible smoke and fire, do so and seek a member of the Residential Living & Learning staff immediately. Call 9.911, give the location of the fire and your name to the operator.

Anyone tampering with any fire equipment (fire suppression sprinklers and smoke detectors in your room, fire extinguishers, pull boxes, etc.) will be subject to severe disciplinary action. Anyone convicted of causing a false fire alarm may be fined up to $750 and may be sentenced to serve up to six months in jail.

When the fire alarm sounds in the complex, you must vacate at once.

  • Don't panic.
  • Dress appropriately for the outside temperature.
  • Take a towel or cloth, and if you have access to a sink, wet it and place it over your nose and mouth.
  • If you are in your room, test the door or the doorknob for heat with the back of your hand, not your palm.

If the door feels hot, do not open it.

  • Pack wet (if possible) towels, sheets or clothing under the door to keep smoke out.
  • Open the window. If you are on the ground floor you may be able to climb out the window to safety.
  • If you are on the second, third or fourth floor, let people know you are trapped by waving a towel or sheet out your window and call 9.911.
  • Stay low near the window. Do not jump, and try not to panic. Place a wet towel or cloth over your face and wait for a window evacuation.

If the door is cool, open the door cautiously

  • Stand behind your door when you open it (have the door between you and the hallway).
  • As you leave your room, be sure all windows and doors are closed, but not locked. Be sure all other people are out.
  • If there is smoke in the air, cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel, stay low and move quickly in a crouched position or crawl to the nearest exit. Do not use the elevator.
  • Clear the area–at least 50 feet from the building. Stay clear of any arriving emergency vehicles.
  • Do not return to the complex until the all-clear is given.

If you are not in your room when the alarm sounds, proceed directly to the nearest exit. Do not return to your room.

Failure to leave when a fire alarm sounds will result in disciplinary action. Failure to evacuate during a fire alarm or hindering the evacuation of other occupants during a fire alarm is prohibited. Severe disciplinary action may be imposed for violation of these procedures.

Upon their arrival, after all paperwork is received, students will be issued a key that will open their own suite and room doors, as well as a mailbox key. There is no initial deposit for the key, but there is a $75 replacement cost for a lost room key (broken or damaged keys cost $5 to replace). (The replacement cost is $15 for lost mailbox keys.) When a room key is lost, students should notify the Residential Living & Learning reception desk immediately for security reasons.

You are urged to carry your keys at all times, even if you will be gone from your room for only a short period of time. If you are locked out, you should contact the Residential Living & Learning staff member on duty.

It is a violation of college policy to duplicate any residence hall key. It is a violation to loan your key to anyone.

Because your student ID is your access to the residence hall, this also applies to your student ID.

ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓprovides limited on-campus health services. Students requiring medical assistance are encouraged to contact community physicians or clinics. In the event of a medical emergency, students should utilize the services of the local emergency medical clinics or hospital emergency facilities. Furthermore, if the residential life staff is aware of any emergencies regarding the students of the residence hall, we will call the parent or guardian that is listed on the emergency contact sheet.

Residents who threaten to commit suicide or attempt suicide will be immediately referred to Counseling and Campus Wellness and/or Laramie County Sheriff's Department for a suicide assessment. If this incident occurs after normal business hours (after 5 p.m. or on weekends/holidays) the Laramie County Sheriff's office will immediately be called and come do a suicide assessment on the resident. This assessment could result in a Title 25 hospitalization or a voluntary hospitalization.

Free – Tuesday Evening Student Health Clinic

This health clinic is staffed by physician residents from University of Wyoming Family Medicine, and is open from 6 to 8 p.m. on Tuesdays. For more information, contact Counseling & Campus Wellness at 307.778.4397.

Important Medical Phone Numbers
United Medical Center................................................................307.634.2273
Health Reach Clinic....................................................................307.635.3500
City County Health Department...................................................307.633.4000
Cheyenne Health and Wellness Center.........................................307.635.3618

Alcohol/Drug-Induced Medical Emergencies
Many students die on college campuses each year from alcohol/drug overdoses. If you become unconscious or unable to make rational decisions as judged by medical personnel due to alcohol or drug overdose, you will be transported to the hospital for evaluation and treatment. All costs for medical evaluation and treatment will be the student's responsibility.

The rights of students to be secure in their residence hall rooms against unreasonable entry, searches and seizures are assured. In the event that civil authorities have cause to enter a student's room and present a proper search warrant, it is outside the jurisdiction of ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓto prevent entry or search.

College officials also reserve the right to enter a room for the following reasons:

  • ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓfacilities personnel or their representative may enter your room to provide maintenance or other related activities.
  • Residential Living & Learning staff may enter your room to perform routine, announced health and safety checks as determined by the director.
  • In order to ensure a clean and safe environment and to minimize chances of health problems, fire or bodily injury, health and safety checks focus on potentially hazardous situations within your room.
  • Under appropriate circumstances, to correct any situation intruding upon the comfort of the residents in the surrounding area (alarm clock, loud stereo, open windows, etc.).
  • There is perceived imminent risk to the safety or health of occupants or to college property.
  • There is reasonable suspicion that a college policy is being violated.
  • A search may be conducted by the director or Dean of Student Life. See the following section, Search and Seizure, for further explanation.

A residence hall room may be searched only if there is "reasonable cause" to believe that one or more occupants are using the room for a purpose or purposes that are in violation of federal, state or local laws or college regulations. "Reasonable cause" is defined as facts and circumstances sufficiently strong to warrant a reasonable person to believe that the room is being used in violation of federal, state or local laws or college regulations.

If the director and/or other appropriate administrative officials believe that such "reasonable cause" does exist, a search authorization will be issued and executed.

In the event of inclement weather or any other emergency closure of the campus, students are instructed to listen to Cheyenne radio or TV stations for information regarding the cancellation of classes. Severe weather can occur in the area at any time.

Tornado Watch: This means that conditions are favorable for tornados to form in the area. Tune your radio or TV to a local station for information from local authorities or the National Weather Service.

Tornado Warning: This means that a tornado has been sighted in the area and all individuals should seek shelter. During a tornado warning from the National Weather Service, warning sirens will be activated. All residential students should proceed calmly to the main floor interior hallway and as far away from doors and windows as possible. Community residents seeking shelter should be let into the building. Please go to the first floor in the West hall and stay in the hallway.

Blizzard: During extreme winter storms and weather, residential students should refrain from outside activity and unnecessary travel and listen to local radio or TV announcements for closures, weather information and travel conditions.

Flood: During local area flooding, residential students should listen to radio or TV announcements for closures, weather information and travel information. On-campus residents are encouraged to remain inside the residence hall complex because portions of the LCCC campus and area access roads are located in an identified flood plain.

For updates and information on campus closures, visit

Windows in the residence hall rooms are not to be used for entering or exiting the building. Window screens must be kept in place at all times. Damage to window screens caused by opening, closing or removing them will be charged to the student or students responsible. Attempting to gain entrance or exit through a window will result in disciplinary action.

Common sense use of windows is expected. Residents who throw or drop items from their windows are engaging in a potentially life endangering situation. Students found responsible for such behavior will be subject to disciplinary action, including a fine of $100 per item.

Windows must be unobstructed. Flags, posters, decorations, etc., are not permitted in windows.

What to do if there is a release of airborne hazardous materials in Laramie County.

Shelter in Place guidelines will be implemented at the college when the release of airborne hazardous materials threatens the safety of college employees and students.

Shelter in Place guidelines is a national safety program that is being implemented here in Cheyenne because of the potential for a hazardous spill due to the railroad, interstate traffic, the local chemical company and/or the refinery. Vast amounts of hazardous materials are manufactured, stored, used and transported across Laramie County on a daily basis. These hazardous materials include toxic chemicals, flammable liquids and gases, and radiological substances. As our population grows and technology advances, the vulnerability of our residents to become affected by an incident increases. Spills occur almost every day in Laramie County and these instances could cause loss of life, injury or various levels of property and environmental damage.

These guidelines are designed as a way to protect the health of students, faculty, employees and guests of ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓ from the possibly deadly effects of airborne hazardous materials that have been accidentally released in the surrounding area. Because rapid exposure is possible due to high winds, it may be necessary to take shelter within the enclosed spaces of the campus buildings to prevent the inhalation of toxins. Shelter in Place guidelines are usually provided for the duration of a few hours, not days or weeks. There is little or no chance that you could suffocate by sealing off the outside air flow into the building.


1. College personnel will be alerted by the city or county that a spill has occurred and that the college is in the path of the plume.
2. The phone tree will be used for notification and implementation of the ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓShelter in Place guidelines.
3. Local schools will be operating under the same guidelines for Shelter in Place. The best thing for employees to do is stay indoors and do not go outside or drive to pick children up.
4. Employees and students are asked to go to the nearest room marked with a SIP sign.
5. Employees are asked to close and lock all windows and doors and to cover all vents with plastic sheeting and duct tape that should be located in the room.
6. Facilities maintenance will attempt to "shut-down" all HVAC systems on campus.
7. Employees should wet one or more towels and place the towels under the door to block air entering the room.
8. Campus Safety will monitor the situation and once the danger has passed, will go from building to building to release people from their SIP rooms.
9. After being notified that the Shelter in Place has been terminated, ,maintenance will restart all systems.

Shelter in Place is a voluntary plan for both employees and students. We cannot force anyone to stay on campus. All Laramie County schools should follow the Shelter in Place plan, so leaving the campus to collect children is not advised. This procedure is designed to reduce, not eliminate, exposure during an airborne hazardous spill. 

For more information, contact the Laramie County Emergency Management Agency at 307.637.6406.

Building Rooms
Administration Building Break Room
AG Complex
AG Building
AG 104
Arena Lower Store Room
Stall Building Arena Lower Store Room
Arp ARP 124/128/133
Auto Tech AD 131/Tool Room
Daycare AD 131
Business B 131/125
Center for Conferences & Institutes CCI 123/124
College Community Center CCC 178/179/Theater
Career & Technical Building/ACES/Auto Body
ABR 101/102
Auto Body ABR 101/102
Crossroads Building CR 132/133
Education & Enrichment EEC 213/Lobby
Fine Arts FA 115/117/118/205
Flex Tech Building Restrooms on each floor
Health Science HS 111/113
Ludden Library CCC 178/179
Modular SC 121/159/160/169/175
FA 115/117/118
Pathfinder Building Restrooms on each floor
Physical Plant PM 126A
Recreation & Athletic Center SC 121/159/160/169/175
Residence Hall SC 121/159/160/169/175
Science Center SC 121/159/160/169/175
Training Center TC 112



The following policies serve as guidelines for acceptable behavior in the residence halls at LCCC. They are meant to complement the ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓGeneral Code of Conduct, which is listed in the "Judicial Guidelines" section of this Guide to Residence Hall Living. Failure to comply with these policies will result in disciplinary action as specified in ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓProcedure 5700: Student Rights and Responsibilities and Procedure 5740: Student Discipline Hearing Procedures. For more information, consult the ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓStudent Handbook.

Wyoming law requires that individuals must be at least 21 years of age to consume, purchase or attempt to purchase, procure or possess any alcoholic or intoxicating liquor. ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓis a drug and alcohol free campus. These means that drugs and alcohol may NOT be present on-campus or at college sponsored activities. Possession of these substances or their containers in on-campus housing or anywhere on-campus (including the parking lot) is NOT PERMITTED.

Residence halls are not sanctuaries from state and local laws or from college standards and regulations. Staff will confront any resident who is identified as being in violation of the laws or policies regarding use of illegal drugs and/or misuse of alcohol. The responsibility to obey state and local laws and college rules rests with each student. Students are held accountable for their behavior as it relates to alcohol and illegal drugs.

Alcoholic Beverages

  • Alcohol and/or their containers (full or empty) may NOT be present on-campus regardless of the legal age limit. Per ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓpolicy (3.14P) controlled substances, including alcohol, is not permitted on campus.
  • It is a violation of housing policies for any student to be in a room where alcohol is present regardless of consumption.
  • A resident who is under the age of 21 and is suspected of being under the influence may be subject to a field sobriety test at the discretion of Housing Staff with the cooperation of the Laramie County Sheriff's Department.
  • Students 21 years or older who choose to consume alcoholic beverages off-campus are expected to do so in moderation. Excessive alcohol consumption can often lead to violations of other housing and/or college standards. Evidence in a violation may indicate that the resident's behavior was substantially altered as a result of the consumption of alcohol. The abuse of alcohol by any resident, whether or not of legal drinking age, and any inappropriate behavior that results from excessive consumption of alcohol, including the inability to exercise care for one's safety or the safety of others due in whole or in part to alcohol consumption, is considered a violation of the housing alcohol policy. Alcohol use/abuse is not considered an excuse for misconduct.
  • A resident found to have provided alcohol to minors or to have endangered the health, safety or welfare of an individual by providing alcohol will be subject to termination of the Residence Hall Agreement as well as further college sanctions.
  • Housing Staff will call 911 if any student/guest is unable to walk unassisted or if anyone is found unconscious in the residence halls or the surrounding area as these are health and safety issues. Laramie County Sheriff Department officials respond to this call and may issue tickets, contact the ambulance service or take the person to the local jail. The student/guest is responsible financially for any applicable charges.
  • In confronting a violation involving alcohol, Housing Staff will request that the resident pour all alcohol down a drain. If the resident refuses, Housing Staff may pour the alcohol out for them. If large quantities of alcohol are found, the Laramie County Sheriff's Office will be called for assistance and disposal.
  • Students who may need medical assistance and/or individuals involved in actively assisting a student in need will not be subject to conduct charges if they are under the influence of or in possession of drugs or alcohol in violation of College policies and procedures (please see ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓpolicy and procedure 3.21).


  • Use and/or possession, sale, manufacture or distribution of drugs and/ or narcotics, controlled substances or paraphernalia, as determined by Wyoming law and College regulations, is illegal. It is a violation of housing policy for a student to be in a room where illegal drugs or paraphernalia are present. Per ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓpolicy (3.14), controlled substances, including illegal drugs, are not permitted on campus.
  • Marijuana, legally obtained in the State of Colorado, is not legal in the State of Wyoming and is considered a controlled substance not permitted on ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓproperty.
  • If Housing Staff suspects the use and/or procession, sale, manufacture, or distribution of drugs and/or narcotics, controlled substances or paraphernalia, the Laramie County Sherriff's office will be immediately notified.
  • Any student known to be possessing, using or distributing illegal drugs will be subject to College disciplinary action and may be arrested under state and federal laws.

The Office of Residential Living & Learning reserves the right to coordinate with Laramie County Sheriff's Department and bring in the use of drug trained K-9 units in order to ensure the residential facility remains drug-free. 

Being present in an area in the residence hall complex where alcoholic beverages or beverage containers are present is also a violation of policy. 

First Offense: Immediate report to the Laramie County Sheriff's Office. The Sheriff's Office will issue the appropriate criminal sanction. There is an automatic judicial referral to the director. The director may assign educational sanctions including, but not limited to, required attendance at drug or alcohol classes, group meetings or individual counseling sessions. The student is responsible for any fees associated with these sanctions.

Second Offense: Immediate report to the Laramie County Sheriff's Office. The Sheriff's Office will issue the appropriate criminal sanction. Violators will be judicially referred to the Dean of Student Life and subject to possible fines, further educational sanctions or expulsion from the residence halls.

Third Offense: Immediate report to the Laramie County Sheriff's Office. The Sheriff's Office will issue the appropriate criminal sanction. In addition, the violator will be judicially referred to the director of Residential Living & Learning for residence hall contract termination. Students who are held accountable for repeated violations of Residential Living & Learning and/or college policy through contract termination are financially responsible for the room portion of their bill for the remainder of the semester and forfeit their damage deposit.

Knowingly acting as an accessory or being present in the residence hall complex while any known violation of college policy is occurring is a violation of the Statements of Student Responsibilities and the General Code of Conduct. On-campus residents are expected to leave situations where college policies are being violated. Failure to do so may result in judicial action. Please see ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓPolicy & Procedure 3.15.

All residents and their guests are expected to comply with the directions of Residential Living & Learning staff and other college personnel acting in accordance with their duties. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.

Full service cooking is not allowed in student suites. Appliances with an open coil, exposed heating element or burner, toaster ovens, hot plates, electric grills (including "George Forman" type grills) and gas/charcoal grills are not allowed in student rooms. Coffee makers are allowed in the suites as long as they are equipped with an automatic shutoff. Residential Living & Learning reserves the right to restrict any appliance that poses any danger to the residence hall buildings or community.

Overloading the electrical system can present fire and safety hazards. Use of multiple plugs or extension cords to obtain a greater number of outlets is prohibited. Students must use only UL-approved power strips that contain an internal fuse if they want to increase the number of outlets.

Microwave Ovens
Microwave ovens of 700 watts or less may be used in the residence halls. Microwaves must be plugged directly into a wall socket or into UL-approved power strip with an internal fuse. Microwaves are not to be plugged into extension cords.

Refrigerators of up to 4.3 cubic feet are allowed in student rooms. Refrigerators must be plugged directly into electrical outlets; they should not be plugged into extension cords or power strips. ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓwill not be responsible for any damage to the refrigerator or spoilage of its contents because of electrical power failure, etc.

Any unwelcome verbal or physical or discriminatory act specifically directed toward an individual student or group with the intent to cause emotional or physical distress; or to influence, control, or intimidate another student, faculty member or staff person is prohibited.

Any act of sexual harassment in verbal, physical or written form to include, but not limited to, unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and unwelcome verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature is prohibited.

Per ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓpolicy 6.2, ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓis committed to maintaining a community in which students, faculty and staff can work and learn together in an atmosphere free from all forms of discrimination and harassment. ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓprohibits all forms of discrimination and harassment including, but not limited to, race, color, sex, religion, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, and any other protected category as determined by local, state, or federal statute or law.

ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓ grants students the privilege of hosting guests in the student residences. A resident's ability to host guests is, in fact, a courtesy extended by suitemates. A foundation of this guest policy is that guests are only permitted with the consent of a resident's suitemates and the Residential Living & Learning Staff. Students are expected to communicate with each other to work out arrangements for guests within a shared room, or suite. The residence hall policies and procedures related to guests exist to allow residents to have guests in a manner that does not infringe upon the comfort or rights of other residents and maintains an appropriate level of safety and security in the building.

Escort Policy – All guests must be accompanied by the host at all times. You will be held accountable for the conduct of your guests. Guests are expected to respect and comply with all rules and regulations while in or around the residences. At all times, residents are responsible for the conduct and activity of their guests, including any damage caused to ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓproperty and violations of policies for student residences. Students are responsible for their guest behavior when on college property or attending any college sponsored events. Any guest in violation of college policy, will be asked to leave college property immediately and judicial procedures will be filed against the student. Residents are responsible for all activities that occur within their suite.

Procedures: Residents are permitted to have no more than two (2) guests at a time, stay overnight on Friday and Saturday nights only. This permission will only be granted if all suitemates have signed the overnight guest registration worksheet (available at the front desk) giving their approval for the guest. This worksheet must be turned in at the main Residential Living & Learning desk at least 24 hours prior to the arrival of your guest, and will require final permission of the Residential Living & Learning staff. Further, every Resident and their guest must sign the Residential Living & Learning policy agreement worksheet. Residents will be held accountable for the actions of their guests!

Arrival and Exit: You must meet your guest at the main desk to sign in your guest. You will be expected to escort your guest at all times. All guests must present a picture identification (a driver's license or valid college ID only.) Your guest must sign out at the desk when leaving the Residence Hall.

Note: Over night guests may stay no more than three nights in any fifteen day period. Cohabitation is not permitted.

No animals may be kept in the residence halls or on adjacent grounds, except fish and animals trained to assist a disabled resident or guest. Service and emotional support animals must be approved by the Office of Student Accommodation. Each resident may have one fish tank with a capacity of up to 10 gallons. Violators of the pet policy will be given 24 hours to remove the animal or it will be turned over to Cheyenne Animal Control. Violators are also subject to further disciplinary action.

Every attempt is made to provide students living on campus with an environment conducive to studying and sleeping. As such, each individual is expected to be courteous to others by monitoring noise levels and responding politely when asked to be quiet. An individual student's right to study or sleep takes precedence. During quiet hours, noise is to be contained within student rooms. If you can be heard outside your suite, you are being too loud.

Quiet Hours:

10 p.m. - 9 a.m.
Academic nights (Sunday through Thursday)
2 a.m. - 9 a.m.
Weekend nights (Friday and Saturday)

Quiet hours may be extended during finals week or at other times determined by the Residential Living & Learning director or Residence Hall Council.

During quiet hours:
1. All noise should be contained within a private room. Any noise that can be heard outside the suite, in any other room or the hallway is in violation of the Quiet Hours policy.
2. Sound equipment (i.e., stereos, radios, televisions) may be played only while doors are fully closed with the volume at a level that cannot be heard in any other room or in the hallway. Speakers may not be pointed outside or placed in your window at any time.
3. Group activities are permitted only inside individual rooms. Such activities should be conducted in a manner that does not disturb other residents.

Courtesy Hours: There are no "loud hours" in the residence halls. At no time should any resident create excessive noise that interrupts the study or relaxation of any other resident. All residents are expected to cooperate with a request for a more quiet environment at any time.

The residence hall complex is for the exclusive use of the residents. Solicitation is prohibited from outside sources–this includes distribution of flyers to individual rooms as well as door-to-door salespersons. Please notify a Residential Living & Learning staff member immediately if a solicitor enters the residence halls.

Skateboarding, rollerblading, skating and throwing Frisbees or other objects indoors endangers others and is not allowed. Rollerblades and skates often leave marks on the tiles and carpet and therefore must be taken off before entering the complex. Outdoor sports such as golf, lacrosse, baseball, hockey, soccer and football are not allowed inside the complex. Horseplay and water fighting are potentially dangerous and are not allowed.

Bicycles are not to be ridden inside any part of the residence hall complex. Students are permitted to store bicycles in their individual rooms. Bicycles left in hallways, stairwells or other public access or exit areas are in violation of fire safety codes and will be removed by Residential Living & Learning staff. It is recommended that bicycles be locked to racks that are provided near the residence halls.

Message boards may be put on student room doors with poster putty or temporary adhesive. All writing or marking on student room doors is prohibited. Residents are expected to maintain clean room doors. 

Items posted on student room doors may cover only 25 percent of the door due to fire safety regulations. Residential Living & Learning reserves the right to require the removal of signs or other inappropriate displays from the outside of room doors, as this is considered part of the residence halls' public space.

All residents are expected to take their personal garbage to the outside dumpsters. Do not leave your trash in public areas – stairwells, lounges, laundry rooms or hallways. There will be a $20 fine assessed for personal trash left in common areas.

Do not dispose of food by putting it down the drain. This can cause serious plumbing problems. Anyone disposing of food in this manner may be charged for repairs to plumbing.

Waterbeds are not allowed in the residence halls.

Residential Living & Learning Judicial Guidelines

ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓexpects students to maintain standards of personal integrity that are in congruence with the educational goals of the college; to observe national, state and local laws and college regulations; and to respect the rights, privileges and property of other people. The central purpose of the Residential Living & Learning Judicial Guidelines is to facilitate a living and learning environment where all students can succeed. Only through the delicate balance of rights and responsibilities can the order of a residential community be maintained.

These guidelines are a part of an educational process and are designed to help students practice behavior that is appropriate in a living and learning community. It is the responsibility of the Residential Living & Learning staff to educate on-campus residents about ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓexpectations and to respond to student behavior when those expectations are not met. Each individual community member is responsible for demonstrating appropriate behavior. It is also the students' responsibility to read and abide by the information provided in the Guide to Residence Hall Living, the ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓStudent Handbook, and the Statements of Student Rights and Responsibilities.

A. Students will fulfill their academic responsibilities in an honest and forthright manner.
B. Students will respect and foster the academic endeavors of others.
C. Students will respect the integrity of the college’s academic and administrative records.
D. Students will adhere to federal, state and local laws, along with college regulations, which govern individual actions and relationships among community members.
E. Students will protect and support the personal safety of self and others.
F. Students will demonstrate respect for others in all their actions and interactions.
G. Students will show respect for personal and college property.
H. Students will contribute to a safe environment within ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓproperty.
I. Students will assist the college in fulfilling its administrative procedures (i.e. registering for classes, obtaining a college ID card, paying bills, etc.).

Residential Living & Learning staff members, as employees of the college, must respond when there are violations of college or Residential Living & Learning policy. Staff response to violations of policy will depend on the following factors:

  • The seriousness of the violation.
  • The student's attitude and willingness to change the behavior of concern.
  • Whether or not the violation is an isolated incident or part of a larger pattern of problematic behavior.

In many cases, particularly an initial violation, the Residential Living & Learning staff member may resolve the situation with a conversation. This option is most successful when the student is willing to take responsibility for the violating behavior and agrees not to be involved again in a similar incident.

If the violation is more serious, a repeat offense, or if the student is uncooperative with staff, the student will be referred for a ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓjudicial hearing with the Director of Residence Life or Dean of Students in accordance with ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓProcedure 3.16P: Student Discipline Adjudication Procedures. (For more information, consult the ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓStudent Handbook.)

The college, including Residential Living & Learning, will have jurisdiction over misconduct on college property, in college vehicles and/or at college-sponsored
activities; but may also address off campus behavior if the College determines that the behavior or the continued presence of the student presents a possible threat to the safety of members of the college community or impairs, obstructs interferes with or adversely affects the mission, processes or functions of the college as an educational institution.

The college may take disciplinary action for the following which are considered violations of the General Code of Conduct if they occur on campus, at college-sponsored activities or in college vehicles.

A. Obstruction, disruption or interference with teaching, administration, college-sponsored activities or disciplinary proceedings.
B. Obstruction or interference with the freedom of movement of students, the Board of Trustees, employees, or guests of the college.
C. Assault, battery, sexual assault or sexual harassment.
D. Unauthorized possession, duplication or use of keys to any college facilities or vehicles.
E. Theft or other abuse of computer equipment, software or time, including, but not limited to:

1. Unauthorized entry into a file to use, read or change the contents for any purpose.
2. Unauthorized transfer or copying of programs or files.
3. Unauthorized use of another individual's identification or password.
4. Use of computing facilities to interfere with the work of another student, faculty member or college official.
5. Use of computing facilities to send or receive obscene or abusive content.
6. Use of computing facilities to interfere with normal operations of the college computing system or the normal operations of the college.

F. Unauthorized entry into or use of college facilities or services.
G. Failure to comply with directions of college officials acting with apparent authority in the performance of their duties.
H. Initiation or circulation of any false report, warning, or threat of fire, bombs, or explosives.
I. Alteration, misuse, or damage of fire safety equipment.
J. Unauthorized use, possession, or storage of any guns, other weapons, explosives or dangerous chemicals.
K. Smoking in unauthorized locations.
L. The manufacture, possession, use, sale, or distribution of narcotics, illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, or prescription drugs for which the person does not have a prescription, including being under the influence.
M. The manufacture, possession, use, sale, or distribution of alcoholic beverages including public intoxication. (Alcohol may be used for instructional purposes with the approval of the instructor and the appropriate division dean.)
N. Attempted or actual theft of property or of services, including computer time, belonging to the college, or its employees or students.
O. Destroying or damaging college property or the property of others.
P. Any practice by a group or an individual that detains, embarrasses, or degrades a member of the college community, endangers his or her health, jeopardizes his or her safety, or interferes with class attendance or the pursuit of education.
Q. Forgery, alteration or misuse of college documents, records, or instruments of identification.
R. Gambling in any form as defined and prohibited by city and/or state ordinances.
S. Tampering with the election of any recognized student organization.
T. Bringing animals into college facilities except those animals serving people who are disabled or animals used for educational purposes.
U. Violations of any other published college policies or regulations regarding student conduct including, but not limited to those published in the ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓStudent Handbook, this Guide to Residence Hall Living, college catalogs, and class schedules.
V. Any other conduct not included above, which adversely affects either the function of the college or the educational pursuits of the members of the college community.
W. Failure to comply with the sanction(s) imposed under the Student Disciplinary Hearing Procedures.
X. Any conduct which violates any law.

During a ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓjudicial hearing, the standard of proof used to determine student responsibility is the preponderance of the evidence; which means that hearing officer believes it is more likely than not that a violation of policy occurred. Should the student fail to participate in the hearing, the Director of Residence Life or Dean of Student Life may consider the evidence in the absence of the student and come to a decision.

At the conclusion of the disciplinary hearing, students who are found responsible for violating Residential Living & Learning or college policy are subject to the following consequences.

A. Warning. A warning is an official written notice to the student that such conduct is in violation of college policies and regulations.
B. Disciplinary Probation. Disciplinary probation is a written reprimand for a violation of the academic or general codes of conduct. Probation is a period of observation and review of conduct during which the student must demonstrate compliance with college policies and regulations.
C. Required Compliance. For educational purposes, other sanctions may be imposed requiring the student to complete a specific mandate as a condition for residence hall occupancy, continuing enrollment, transfer or graduation from the college (for example, mandatory relocation to an alternate room assignment).
D. Residence Hall Lease Termination. This sanction involves removal from the LCCC residence hall community. The student will be given 24 hours to vacate the residence hall. Furthermore, the student will be held accountable for the remaining room portion of their bill for the semester and forfeit their damage deposit. ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓreserves the right to terminate any student's residence hall lease, without any refund of any monies, for failure to comply with the terms of the residence hall lease,
Residential Living & Learning regulations or if the student actions are found to be detrimental to the welfare of other community members.
E. Educational Activities. For educational purposes, mandatory participation in educational activities such as workshops or writing assignments may be imposed.
F. Restitution. The student may be billed for loss or damages or requested to make payment to the college or to other persons, groups, or organizations for loss or damages incurred. Payment may take the form of appropriate service and/or monetary or material replacement.
G. Withdrawal Agreement. In certain cases where a student's physical, mental or emotional health may be a danger to self or the college community, the Dean of Student Life may withdraw a student from the college. When practical or appropriate, conditions for readmittance to the college will accompany this written withdrawal agreement.
H. Disciplinary Suspension. Disciplinary suspension temporarily terminates the student's enrollment. Suspension may occur immediately or after a hearing. The suspension may be for a specified period of time or for an indefinite period of time until stated conditions are met.
I. Expulsion. Expulsion terminates a student's academic program and residence hall contract and right to future enrollment. The student may also be prevented from returning to college premises.

Students found responsible for violating the General Code of Conduct may submit an appeal of the decision. The appeal process is for students who have bona fide grounds for an appeal and can show evidence of procedural and/or due process violations that significantly impacted the judicial process or the decision. Grounds for appeal do not include any disruptions caused by the sanctions imposed: sanctions are intended to have significant impact in order to effectively deter students in engaging in misconduct.

In order for the Residential Living & Learning Judicial Guidelines to work effectively, students and staff must cooperate and fulfill their responsibilities. A student who fails to appear before a member of Residential Living & Learning staff or other judicial agency in a situation involving the investigation or processing of an alleged violation of college policy after clear and repeated notice may have all enrollment administratively terminated by the vice president of student services.