Apply to the Program

Students are admitted to the HIT/M program in the Fall semester. Applications are due by July 15.   

Application Process

  1. Apply and be accepted to LCCC.
  2. Provide an official copy of all past high school and college transcripts to the LCCC Admissions office.  This step takes time, begin this early in the application process.
  3. If you are a current student or have taken courses at 香蜜影视within the last year, you do not need to reapply to LCCC.

Complete  requirements, as applicable.

Complete and submit the online .

Successful applicants will be notified of conditional acceptance by mail. To be considered for admittance to the fall semester, all completed applications must be received by AUG 10th with student notifications of acceptance by AUG 20th. 

Information on completing the background check and drug screen will be sent with the student's acceptance letter. Any associated fees will be the responsibility of the student. Generally, the urine drug test screens for alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs or drugs that impair judgment. Testing positive on the screening, or evidence of tampering with a specimen will disqualify a student from participating in the program. In addition to drug screening, for the safety of patients and health care workers, elder and child abuse clearance and criminal background checks are required by some agencies prior to a clinical assignment. Certain criminal activity, as evidenced by a criminal background check, also may disqualify a student from clinical participation. For more information, please see the complete  (pdf) for allied health students.