Students with questions concerning the Surgical Technology program can check out the sections below, which cover such questions as applying to the program, admissions, costs and more. 

Go to the Program Application page and the list of requirements needed.

After the application deadline, all completed applications will be reviewed by a selection committee composed of faculty members and program administrators.

Selection will be based on the following criteria:
1. Required prerequisite courses completed or in progress
2. Cumulative grade point average
3. Responses to application questions
4. References
Should any students receive identical scores, the date of receipt of the applications will be considered in assigning priority. Final selection will be made and the students will be notified. An alternate list will be made to fill any cancellations.
LCCC's program doesn't have a waiting list; therefore, students not selected for admission into the Surgical Technology Program must initiate the admission process the following year before being reconsidered. All students’ applications not selected will be kept for one year after the deadline and then will be destroyed.

The number of students accepted each year is dependent upon clinical site availability. Historically, ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓhas selected up to 12 students each year.

This associate degree program can be completed in two years. Students must complete a minimum of 31 credits of prerequisite courses taken in the fall, spring and summer semesters. The program core is completed in one year (fall, spring and summer semester).

Yes. General education courses that match those in the program will be considered for transfer. The program director is available to evaluate transcripts from other schools.

The surgical technology program has associated fees and expenses in addition to general college tuition and fees. View the program cost web page for more information.

Many of the prerequisite courses are offered online or as evening courses. The prerequisite courses may be taken part time if the student wishes, but that will extend the length of time it takes to complete the program. In the revised curriculum starting Fall 2023, the program core course content, all SURG-prefix courses, will be offered in a Hybrid format, online theory content and a face-to face labs meeting on Thursdays. The summer semester is full-time at the assigned clinical site.

ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓoffers surgical technology courses in a hybrid format, with Thursday on campus for labs. Clinical courses are scheduled in coordination with clinical site surgery schedules and are offered between 6 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday at various facilities.

Student success is LCCC's primary concern. For some students, the demands of the full-time program and employment can contribute to poor outcomes. This is a personal decision that should be based on a student's individual performance in the classroom, at clinical education sites and their personal health. Students won't be excused from class or clinical assignments for personal work schedules. The program is committed to surgical patient safety, so students are prohibited from working night shifts prior to assigned clinical days and must plan to get seven to eight hours of sleep the night before assigned clinical days. Fatigue due to sleep deprivation contributes to an increased risk of medical errors and cannot be tolerated in the educational setting.

To progress in the program, students must maintain a minimum grade of C in each required Surgical Technology course. A cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above is required prior to and after acceptance into the program. Students must also take and pass all surgical technology courses in sequence.

Surgical technology students are required to take the national Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting Certification Examination (CST exam) just prior to graduation. Results are released upon documentation of graduation. Contact the program director for an exam application and schedule.

Yes. While the program cannot guarantee job placement in a particular location after graduation, a biannual needs survey of employers conducted in Wyoming since 2009 confirms that substantially more surgical technology jobs have been available in Wyoming each year than the program has had graduates to fill those jobs. Graduates must be willing to relocate from the immediate Cheyenne area if necessary to obtain employment.